of planning professionals for social welfare works (PLANWEL),
is a not for profit organization established in 1990 by a
group of technocrats and professionals and one of its objectives
is to provide quality education and research and development
facilities to the masses. PLANWEL is registered vide DSW (582)-under
the Registration and Control Ordinance, XLVI of 1961, Directorate
of Social Welfare, Government of Sindh
first project; ALCOS was sponsored jointly by the Pakistan
Software Export Board, Ministry of Communication. Government
of Pakistan and the University Grants Commission, and is working
on priority projects, which includes a program for training
of graduates as software developers to meet the demand for
the international and local software houses.
University is a dedicated manpower training and research and
development institution of higher learning, offering practical,
useful, effective and made-to-measure degree and non-degree,
Continuing Education training, testing and skill assessment
of employees for companies and institutions. It forms part
of a new generation of Training Centers committed to personalized
training, through the use of many varied pedagogical and technological
resources. PLANWEL’s aim is to provide a high-quality
service to those wishing to join the labor market, offering
them the opportunity of obtaining the qualifications needed
to meet the current demand.
has been awarded the status of an ALCoS business partner jointly
by the University Grants Commission and the Pakistan Software
Export Board Ministry of Communication Government Of Pakistan
with the responsibility of establishing institute for training
Information Technology workforce of international standards
which will assist the Software export program of the government
of Pakistan.
Institute of higher learning has been equipped to train students
in the field of Information Technology on a laboratory and
lecture format. However, PLANWEL now intend to upgrade and
modernize the educational delivery and gradually convert this
Institute to a distance learning/virtual university (POP –
Point Of Presence).
members of the Board of Management of PLANWEL are a highly
motivated group of professionals belonging to various fields
of, computer software, hardware telecommunications, engineering,
design, architecture, city and regional planning, management,
accounting economics, management etc. and are assisting by
setting up training centers in information technology and
building of data bases for the government industry, trade
and commerce. It is merely a direct commitment of professionals
towards upgrading the quality of underprivileged masses in
the developing Countries under the changing scenario of Globalization.
Objective of PLANWEL
Promoting high standards of education particularly in the
provision and development of academic, management and administrative
information systems throughout the Pakistan Higher Education
Creating awareness in all sectors of the society so that Information
technology could be introduced at all levels, thereby building
knowledge based societies.
Enhancing the skills required of the citizens in a knowledge
based economy by producing knowledge workers.
Promoting life-long learning, continuing education and adult
education programme
Conducting distance learning based on ICT and R&D on Open
distance learning tools.
Mission of PLANWEL
Bringing Technology To The People
Building Technology Based Communities
Technology For The People And Run By The People
mission of PLANWEL is to promote education and research such
that quality education could reach underprivileged masses
globally. Education can, indeed be used as a tool for developing
countries to improve quality of life of underprivileged communities,
and in turn help the globalization process for the entire
world. For this purpose it is necessary to have a unified
educational system able to cater for the entire underdeveloped
addressing this mission, PLANWEL will first train trainers
of international quality in all disciplines, both at Karachi,
Pakistan, and other partner Universities of Pakistan and abroad.
These trained personnel will enter the market equipped with
skills and engineering theory, basic management concepts,
business communications, knowledge of the internet, English
as well as plenty of experience in their own areas of expertise.
These graduates will be formidable candidates for employment
in the most challenging environment possible.
order to provide quality education to the masses, PLANWEL
is desirous to take assistance from Institutions and members
of the International Community, particularly those who are
using the most advanced technology which could economize quality
education for underprivileged masses and make it possible
to educate more and more people with minimum number of instructors
at minimum cost. This has now become possible through the
distance learning process - conducted by the Planwel Virtual
University POP (Point Of Presence) using electronic media
the first one was established at gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi..
PLANWEL believes that in order to make the Planwel Virtual
University POP’s a reality for globalization of education
it is essential to open up delivery (POP’s - Point Of
Presence) in each and every community of underdeveloped nations
with the help of local private sector. These (POP’s
- Point Of Presence) will act as catalyst for development
and diffusing disparity. In reality the Planwel Virtual University
POP’s will host researchers and Professors from around
the world; while the (POP’s - Point Of Presence) will
be their classrooms all over the developing world. These researchers/professors
can be part of the Panel from around the world so it will
be a true virtual forum, disseminating their knowledge through
the (POP’s - Point Of Presence) around the GLOBE. This
is what PLANWEL’S goal is;
Technology To The People”
eventually would cater for research and development on the
Internet infrastructure in the underdeveloped regions. Once
this system has been tested then this could be replicated
in the region withy facilities like health care and various
other sectors. Which in turn could be quite affordable at
that point; since just as an example a panel of top surgeons
from around the world can provide life saving operating instructions
to a local surgeon in some remote health center in a third
world country. This project is tailored to underprivileged
regions of the world, and will prepare the communities for
the new millennium’s Technology Based Communities. These
POP’s (Point of Presence) could be maintained and operated
by local communities while at the same time can be used for
various other Information Technology related services like
telemedicine, e-commerce, telebanking etc. In return providing
needed facilities and generating money. Thus these POP’s
(Point of Presence) will be the true reflection of PLANWEL’s
vision for:
Technology Based Communities"
these POP’s (Point of Presence) will serve as the new
community centers of the new millennium. Where at one end
it will be the gateway to the world by providing choices and
opportunities to the remote and desolate communities; on the
other it will induce sense of community delivering a message:
For The People And Run By The People"