pursuit of the above objectives, PLANWEL has established two
virtual sites (POP - Point of Presence) for R&D at Karachi,
Pakistan with suitable infrastructure and hopes to provide
a good testing ground for the Institutions of higher learning
of the International Research Community. Once certain about
the quality and reliability of transmission and receiving
at our end, it can be replicated all over the region which
could easily reach the masses not only in Pakistan but also
extending over the region to neighboring and Central Asian
countries. This has been achieved with the assistance of research
institutions and institutions of higher learning in developed
countries. To assure quality services PLANWEL has formed partnerships
with various international organizations as listed below.
order to assure quality education, research and development,
Planwel University has partnered with Utah State University,
USA to establish the first Utah State University and PLANWEL
(POP - Point of Presence). It is the first instance that a
leading Carnegie Foundation For Education Classified Research
University-I is opening up its International Center in the
region; which is a major step towards quality education, research
and development in the region.
- Research University-I offer a full range of baccalaureate
programs, are committed to graduate education through the
doctorate, and give high priority to research. They award
50 or more doctoral degrees each year. In addition, they receive
annually $40 million or more in USA federal support.
is also working with MUCIA for finding ways to deliver its
courses at PLANWEL POP’s - MUCIA GLOBAL is a subsidiary
of the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities,
Inc. MUCIA is an international educational and training organization
comprised of, The Ohio State University, University of Illinois,
Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Michigan,
Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, The Pennsylvania
State University, Purdue University, and University of Wisconsin.
MUCIA has formed MUCIA GLOBAL for the purpose of, among other
things, participating with educational institutions and organizations
in other countries to utilize new technologies to make the
educational capabilities of MUCIA's member institutions available
and accessible on a worldwide basis to meet the growing global
need for education and training.
PLANWEL is further working with EUNIS - European University
Information Systems Organization; Responsible for the management
and development of information systems in higher education
in Europe has designated PLANWEL as a National member for
forming a network of other universities and Institutions of
higher learning in Pakistan through the PLANWEL Academic and
Research Network and has established its branch in Pakistan
as Planwel Academic and Research Network. Under it PLANWEL
has also established Pakistan Library Network
- an electronic access network of all the regional libraries
for furthering research and development; as per the mission
statement of PLANWEL for Building Technology Based Communities
and Bringing Technology to the People. It is an effort to
ensure that all underprivileged communities in the region
have equal access to information. For this PLANWEL is also
mirroring on its server a database of world libraries LIBweb maintained by
University of California Berkley and Sun Microsystems, Inc.
§ PLANWEL is building the Technology
Based Communities and Bringing Technology to the People.
It is an effort to ensure that all-underprivileged community
in the region, cities, towns and villages
have equal access to information. PLANWEL has also established
5 such POP during the year 2000 with
the community partnership of the private sector
PLANWEL has been already designated as an
Administrative Centre for sub region Pakistan in
the Asia-Pacific region of the GLOBAL UNIVERSITY SYSTEM
PLANWEL has formed a consortium with OARNet
, USA and Academic Content providers for brining
in Internet 2 connectivity to Pakistan for there distance
learning programme and collaborative
R&D projects.
The PLANWEL Virtual
University POP - Point of Presence
Phase 1: PLANWEL wishes to collaborate with organizations,
initially for R&D; to prepare, plan, design, implement
and run the international educational center (POP - Point
of Presence) with the help of partners, in Pakistan. This
would include conducting such graduate courses, which are
ready for delivery in areas such as computer science, engineering,
management, environment and town planning, health care, and
library sciences etc.
Phase 2: Setting up distance learning centers (POP
- Point of Presence) based on the results of R&D conducted
in phase 1 of the project following the concepts of Internet;
and broad band delivery, making it possible to truly act as
The Virtual University (POP - Point of Presence) site. The
concept will be to deliver collaborating university courses
through different media’s to this center which on the
other hand will be equipped with receiving equipment and state
of the art Information technology.
Phase 3: Setting up of (POP - Point Of Presence)
sites in the region extending from the Middle Eastern countries
to the Central Asia.
magnet of development “THE (POP’s - Point Of Presence)”
itself will induce enough movement to bring the needed changes
for socio-economic improvements. In projects like these where
long term planning is involved immediate results are not reflected;
though the projected implications will be vast. Now just by
taking higher education as an example; if a student leaves
Pakistan for higher education she/he spends USD $20,000 at
least for a year for the education outside Pakistan but if
the same education is provided through the Planwel Virtual
University (POP’s - Point Of Presence) it could be easily
imagined how much money could be saved by these families.
Further this concept will provide a student enrolled in the
program a more wider spectrum on the subject being taught,
since, the student will have access to resources and professors
from around the world. Thus it will not just benefit the student
itself but it will have long term impact on the community
and at the same time these (POP’s - Point Of Presence)
will stimulate research and development and provide a local
research base for the developed world.
Telemedicine &
PLANWEL has an arrangement with international Vedio conferencing
organization and is in the process of establishing an international
medical network linking key international cities. The concept
is to provide similarly equipped sites, which offer interactive
connections. The sites would be used for medical conferences
and consultations and medical education programs. The end
users are expected to be patients and families experiencing
medical situations. Each city in the network will be setting
up both a public videoconferencing room and a major hospital
to participate with PLANWEL. The public rooms would handle
medical education programs and simple consultations and telemedicine
The ALCOS program offered on the pattern of a franchise that
will have an identified value and standard of quality in the
software market. This will ensure that ALCOS will immediately
after its registration will assume a profile that is associated
with identified levels of quality. Added to this is the advantage
of being associated with and being marketed with the national
software initiative. This translates into immediate recognition
in the export market for graduates of ALCOS as eminently employable
individuals who would have received training with an emphasis
on the demands of this international software market.